



AKA – also known as
ASAP – as soon as possible
BFF – best friend forever
BFFL – best friend for life
BOGO – buy one get one
BRB – be right back
BTW – by the way
BYOB – bring your own beer
DIY – do it yourself
DUI – driving under the influence
ETA – estimated time of arrival
FYI – for your information
IDK – I don’t know
IMO – in my opinion
LMAO – laughing my ass off
LOL – laugh out loud
LYLAS – love you like a sister
MIA – missing in action
MLB – major league baseball
MLS – major league soccer
MVP – most valuable player
MTV – music television
NBA – national basketball association
NBD – no big deal
NFL – national football league
NHL – national hockey league
NP – no problem
NSFW – not safe for work
NVM – nevermind
OMG – oh my god
Q&A – questions and answers
ROFL – rolling on the floor laughing
RSVP – respondez s’il vous plait
SMH – shake my head
TBD – to be determined
THWG – to hell with Georgia
TMI – too much information
TTYL – talk to you later
UFO – unidentified flying object
VIP – very important person
YOLO – you only live once (drake)
4ever – forever
l8r – later
gr8 – great

g2g – got to go

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